40 Hours Divorce and Family Mediation Training

Training for accreditation as a family mediator with NABFAM consists of

(1) 16h Family Law (May be omitted should you have completed your LLB.)

(2) 40h Divorce and Family Mediation

(3) 12h Applied Psychology for Mediators (May be omitted should you hold a Social Work or Psychology qualification. This training module is available online. ) (Course Presenter Dr Lynette Roux) (email info@socialjustice.co.za for more information)

The court-annexed mediation rules require that every mediator must undergo a minimum of 40 hours of contact training which will include role-plays and mock mediation sessions before a trained mediator can apply for accreditation as mediator. (Social Justice Association of Mediators email admin@socialjustice.org.za)

Each of the above courses have been accredited with NABFAM (National Accreditation Board for Family Mediators ) www.nabfam.co.za

Victim Offender Mediation/Dialogue - Part 2

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16h Applied Law for Family Mediators

This course provides the statutory context for mediation of family matters and forms the first part of the compulsory foundation training (for NABFAM Accreditation).

Course Content

Introduction to matrimonial law | The SA court structures and jurisdiction | The engagement and marriages | Patrimonial consequences of marriage | Dissolution of marriage | Personal consequences of divorce | The parent child relationship | Patrimonial consequences of divorce | Domestic Violence

This course is presented first and foremost the theoretical and then the practical component for all relevant legislation for mediating Parenting Plans, Divorces, Maintenance disputes, Calculation of Maintenance, Care and Contact disputes and Domestic Violence disputes.  We critically consider the Children’s Act, the Maintenance Act, the Domestic Violence Act as well as the relevant legislation pertaining to the matrimonial and patrimonial consequences of divorce. Training comprises two day’s classroom training, as well as a written Portfolio of Evidence, which is to be submitted at the end of the course or shortly thereafter.  This course is presented on a level equivalent to NQF 5.

Please take note:  © Copyright. All rights reserved. Reproducing and distributing this material without the written permission of Social Justice and the Presenter is prohibited. Register Here for a login and password.