Available courses

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A discussion on the transformative approach to mediation

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Networking 101 for ADR practitioners: How to build relationships that bring business

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Nurturing Self Image - The need to nurture

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How to deal with the trauma of childhood in adulthood

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Recognising signs & symptoms of burn out & other mental issues.
The resources available to MHCP’S support systems.
The import

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Domestic Violence Amendment Act and Related GBV legislation in the context of mediation and care and contact.

The presentation focuses on the intricacy of various family law legislation pertaining to mediation and care and contact in the context of domestic violence. The Presentation first examines the various significant amendments that was brought about in terms of the Domestic Violence Amendment Act, 14 of 2021 which came into operation April 2023. Then it proceeds to highly and examine the entrenched legislative provisions of mediation in the South African law pertaining to care and contact in the context of domestic violence.

The presentation further highlights while mediation in domestic violence proceedings is not a well-established norm within South African family law, but where there are aspects pertaining to care and contact how it is legally, almost imposable to separate the core essence of mediation.

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The need to communicate as family members on a regular basis

Family Meetings are important because they are the place where we get to know each other and learn to trust each other. They are the places where we can find happiness and be cared for. Modern families come in various forms. They are not limited to the traditional nuclear family (parents and children). That requires being tolerant and flexible. This is the primary definition of a modern family, which respects the particularities of each member and is not limited to a pre-established scheme of traditional roles of mom, dad, son, or daughter. That said, we need to meet as a family to keep in contact with one another and allow you to belong to something. : In modern families, the affective bond (emotional connection) precedes blood ties. Families prioritise emotional support, empathy, and understanding. Love and care are essential regardless of biological relationships. Meetings need to foster and grow this.

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Parent-child Reunification is a relatively new intervention that is gaining attention in the family law fraternity.  This intervention is a form of family guidance by a suitably qualified and experience practitioner, which occurs between parent and child when there has been a break in a parent-child relationship. This break in the parent-child relationship may peak as the child might refuse to have a relationship or contact with a parent. There are many factors that may have contributed to the estrangement between the parent and child and the goal of this intervention is to restore the connection between parent and child.

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This webinar aims to provide a basic introduction to the transformative approach to mediation.

This webinar aims to provide a basic introduction to the transformative approach to mediation. The webinar will discuss the background of transformative mediation and its two key aspects, namely empowerment and recognition. Additionally, the webinar will compare transformative mediation to the problem-solving approach to mediation.

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Getting back in the swings of things….. we are creatures of habit. We like routine, a sense of knowing what is coming next. Why is this SO important for us? Well it speaks our nervous system that likes to be at ease, rather than on high alert! In this fast-pace world, how do we manage to keep all the balls of life in the air?

The quality of everything we do depends on the quality of the thinking we do first
The quality of our thinking depends on the way we treat each other while we are thinking. – Nancy Kline

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Understanding children exposed to domestic violence

Mediation of marriages out of community of property

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The legacy of family business

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Presenter:  Reneé Phoenix van Wyk

Preventing Burnout

Legal Pointers: Victimization, Harassment & Bullying in the workplace

Legal Pointers: Victimization, Harassment & Bullying in the Workplace - The Employer’s Duties

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The talk on raising boys vs. girls emphasizes the importance of understanding and embracing differences in parenting styles for each gender. The focus is on practical tips and strategies for parents to best support their children's growth and development.

What is family after divorce?  Boys vs Girls

Isolet Jansen
A mediator is not a judge or a referee, but an impartial and objective facilitator helping families find bespoke solutions when in conflict. Mediation is the foundation of building lasting relationships. I have a heart for families to live in peace and believe that through mediation we can find a way to live a peaceful life regardless of what our family setup looks like. Whether we are dealing with the trauma of divorce or that of a family dispute, through listening and unconditional regard, together we can find a better way forward.
Corlia Erwee
I believe that people can overcome difficult circumstances. We never, ever have to stay where we are. My life story is a testimony of restoration and healing. Sometimes we just need someone to come alongside of us to help us see the open doors and realise that our mountains are not that big. I also believe in a systemic approach.
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The paper on Peer Mediation in Secondary Schools is an attempt to support the development of structured programs to manage conflict resolution in schools.  Research has revealed alarming increases in school violence over the last decade, and the statistics are disturbing and upsetting.  Misconduct and disruptive behaviour critically impair effective curriculum delivery.  How to deal with this problem is one of the most underestimated aspects of teacher training and is exacerbated by the relevant educational laws not being specific on how to address it. This clearly is a pressing issue which needs urgent attention.

Research has revealed alarming increases in school violence over the last decade, and the statistics are disturbing

SAS OTTO studied BA and B.Ed at the University of Stellenbosch and also completed his PTD at Wellington Teachers College. He successfully completed his Mediation studies in 2019 through the Social Justice Foundation (NPO 165-067) (accredited by NABFAM and SACSSP) and is now an accredited mediator in Family and Divorce Mediation and Family Law and Maintenance. While in the teaching profession, he was often consulted by principals and SGB members of schools because of his experience and skills with disciplinary hearings and his knowledge of the schools’ act.Please take note:  © Copyright. All rights reserved. Reproducing and distributing this material without the written permission of Social Justice and the Presenter is prohibited.  

Essential considerations when emigrating with minor children

In light of the recent surge in emigration from South Africa and the fact that international relocation with minor children is at an all-time high, we invite you to join our insightful and informative webinar, "Essential Considerations when Emigrating with Minor Children - A South African Lawyer's Perspective."  Attorney Mervyn Vermeulen, from Vermeulen Attorneys, who has more than a decade of experience in family law and a specialisation in international and expatriate family law, will be presenting this crucial topic.  The webinar will explore the legal considerations when emigrating with minor children, with a focus on Section 18 of the Children's Act and the leading case law in this area.  Please take note:  © Copyright. All rights reserved. Reproducing and distributing this material without the written permission of Social Justice and the Presenter is prohibited.  

The Coparent APP is a neutral communication platform for single and divorced parents with an assistance and resource directory. The APP provide a shared contact schedule calendar, uploading of expenses and notifications to the other parent in respect of maintenance obligations, a history of payments made by both parents, the capability to upload photos. All messages are captured and a mediator/attorney can monitor communication if required. Should a dispute arise the API integration from the APP to the practice management software will link the parent to a mediator. Please take note:  © Copyright. All rights reserved. Reproducing and distributing this material without the written permission of Social Justice and the Presenter is prohibited.  

For the well-being of our children

Parent Effectiveness: How To Create A Safe Space In A Relationship  (Presenter:  Karen Badenhorst)
In this day and age of constant improvement, further education, and career progression, we are continually busy improving, learning, and growing. We ensure that we stay on top of the latest developments in our careers, we acquire a coach at the gym or enroll for a cooking course. Yet, as parents, we do not have the same drive to develop and grow in our lives' most important role.

  • How to handle our children's emotions and talk the language of acceptance
  • How to talk so that our children will listen
  • How to discipline without using power.
  • How and when to teach values
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How do we create a safe space in a relationship

When one parent starts to criticize, dismiss, and eliminate anything good from the other parent, they indirectly dismiss the part of the child that identifies with the other parent too.   When it comes to divorce, each child will respond differently and their fears, concerns, and questions will be different depending on their stage of development, personality, and attachment style.  All of these elements have to be considered when dealing with families in crisis. Understanding their behaviour, will help the mediation process and planning. It will also ensure that the voice of the child is understood within this context.  Presenters:  Corlia Erwee and Isolet Jansen

I believe that people can overcome difficult circumstances. We never, ever have to stay where we are. My life story is a test

Words have power and they matter - Panel Discussion:  Dereck Beukes, Nicolle Kopping-Pavars, Theuns Stofberg, Dr Christo Naude

Words have power and they matter

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Why should maintenance obligations form part of your credit profile?

A few points to look forward to during this session:

  •  The listing of maintenance obligations by the credit bureau.
  • The determination of indebtedness and the implications of reckless credit, if not included in the assessment of credit being granted.
  • The impact of a determination of reckless credit on such credit provider.
  • The manner in which maintenance obligations can be secured via a debt review process.

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Reckless Credit

SOCIAL JUSTICE ASSOCIATION OF MEDIATORS hosted a live webinar on the 11th   of April 2022 on Autism and the Law. The presenter, Adv Thersia Du Toit Smit, a practising legal professional, senior advocate at NPA, as well as a co-author and contributor to the Book Autism, Perspectives and the Law (Chp13 – Autism and the Law)  shared her insights and experiences around Autism and the Law.

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SOCIAL JUSTICE ASSOCIATION OF MEDIATORS hosted a live webinar on the 20th of April 2022 on Building Stronger Family Foundations. The presenter, Tobie Verreynne and his wife Zanel Verreynne, established Crosspoint Family Consultants (a non-profit company) with a vision to encourage individuals, married couples, parents, and families to reach their full potential to understand principles that make life functional. This webinar looked into building stronger family foundations from a marital and parental perspective and focusing on the external factors that influence families. 

Part 1: Marriage Marriage is the cornerstone of strong family foundations. Marriage as a contract juxtaposed to marriage as a covenant commitment The single biggest enemy (mother of enemies) in marriage The lack of marriage legacy in society and how it weakens family foundations The impact of separation and divorce on family health 

Part 2: Parenting Parental influence...missed opportunities that leave cracks of note The identity crisis caused by absent parents The feeling of insignificance fuelled by non-intentionality The power of words: fan the flame or burn down to the ground The cycle of blessing identity vs cycle of cursing identity Critical stages for positive input from parents The need for homes to be strong launchpads for the next generation. Table-time: the catalyst for strong family foundations. 

Part 3: External factors influencing family foundations Technology Social media Religion Socio-economic climate Culture Lifestyle choices

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Presenters - Christiaan du Plessis - Landie Stevens - Jannie Jansen van Nieuwenhuizen

SOCIAL JUSTICE ASSOCIATION OF MEDIATORS `hosted a live webinar on the 24h  of March 2022 on Mediation in the Workplace – IR Counselling. The presenter, Jacolien Yzel has 19 years total working experience, with 11 years dedicated Industrial Relations and Labour Dispute Resolution experience and gave  us some insights into IR counselling.

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•Meaning of discretion
•Shadow of the law
•Powers of Court on date of divorce
•Transfer of assets
•Settlement Agreements
•Implications for Mediation

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Presenters - Adv Eileen de Waal - Attorney Celia Beirowski - Dr Ronel Duchen - Laurie Greyvenstein

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Bioethical mediators - Who are they and what do they do? Quantification of personal injury claims in a mediation setting

SOCIAL JUSTICE ASSOCIATION OF MEDIATORS hosted a live webinar on the 3rd of May 2022 on “Towards a Uniform Approach to Parental Coordination in South Africa” presented  by Dr Lynette Roux and Prof Leentjie de Jong. 

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Understanding Pension Funds - Points of Discussion 

  • Types of pension funds
  • Understanding how benefits are calculated
  • The parties involved in pension funds
  • Divorce and pension funds
  • Practical advice on dealing with pension funds

Presenter: Frederick Kröhnert (Financial Planning Specialist) 

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 The Legal Position of young adults in the Maintenance System

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A pioneer in pet custody. She teaches divorce professionals how to work effectively with the range of possibilities they may encounter in pet custody. For example, how might a dog cope with joint custody? Can multiple dogs be split up or do they need to be kept together? What about visitations? Dog breeds are very different; should you treat a Beagle the same as a Rottweiler? And what if your clients have a puppy, or an elderly dog, what then?

Pet Custody - Who gets the dogs?

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What role does grief play in mediation

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The obligation to mediate?

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Principal Family Advocate Adv Sherin Ebrahim - A perspective on whether parenting regimes have evolved since the inception of the Children’s Act

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Presenter: Pierre van Wyk

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Tilesia Colyn

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Presenter Naledi Netshisaulu

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Presenter - Dr Christo Naude

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Presenter:  Tilesia Colyn

Dr Tim Laurens and Maraliese Jordaan will explain the intricacies of drug and alcohol testing when it comes to custody cases or mediation procedures.  Would you like to investigate drug use and/or chronic alcohol abuse in a custody/mediation case? Drug and alcohol abuse can be verified in a legally defensible way through hair testing at Expert Laboratory Services. They can assist you with the analysis of more than 120 different substances in hair.  Please take note:  © Copyright. All rights reserved. Reproducing and distributing this material without the written permission of Social Justice and the Presenter is prohibited. 

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Presenters - Dr Zenobia Carolus & Dr Marie Minnar McDonald 

For the 2 Day training contact Families in Context Social Services (NPC 2018/334570/08)  Email: Zenobiacarolus2@gmail.com  (South African Council for Social Service Professionals  - 8.5 CPD points.

COST: R495 per person for 2 days (12 hours).  

Minding your own creativity.  Please take note:  © Copyright. All rights reserved. Reproducing and distributing this material without the written permission of Social Justice and the Presenter is prohibited.  

Presenters:  Dr Kobus Neethling & Dr Rache Rutherford

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Presenter - Prof Erwin Schwella

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Presenter - Sas Otto

Strategies and techniques dealing with parties who are resistant to mediation and consequences for parties who are refusing mediation.  Please take note:  © Copyright. All rights reserved. Reproducing and distributing this material without the written permission of Social Justice and the Presenter is prohibited.  

Presenter - Prof Leentjie de Jong

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Presenter - Dr Ronel Duchen

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Presenter - Sas Otto

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Presenter - Dr Lynette Roux & Laurie Greyvenstein

Restorative Justice in Schools

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Presenter - Sas Otto

Domestice Violence is learned

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Presenter - Laurie Greyvenstein

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Presenter - Dr Lynette Roux and Laurie Greyvenstein
Parenting Coordination

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Presenter - Elmarie Neilson

How do we tackle the elephant in the room?

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Presenter - Laurie Greyvenstein & Dereck Beukes

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Presenter - Laurie Greyvenstein

Digital Marketing

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Presenter - Dylan Geustyn

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Presenter - Carel Mouton

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Presenter - Dr Lynette Roux

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Presenter - Sonja Labuschagne

Victim Offender Mediation/Dialogue - Part 2

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16h Applied Law for Family Mediators

This course provides the statutory context for mediation of family matters and forms the first part of the compulsory foundation training (for NABFAM Accreditation).

Course Content

Introduction to matrimonial law | The SA court structures and jurisdiction | The engagement and marriages | Patrimonial consequences of marriage | Dissolution of marriage | Personal consequences of divorce | The parent child relationship | Patrimonial consequences of divorce | Domestic Violence

This course is presented first and foremost the theoretical and then the practical component for all relevant legislation for mediating Parenting Plans, Divorces, Maintenance disputes, Calculation of Maintenance, Care and Contact disputes and Domestic Violence disputes.  We critically consider the Children’s Act, the Maintenance Act, the Domestic Violence Act as well as the relevant legislation pertaining to the matrimonial and patrimonial consequences of divorce. Training comprises two day’s classroom training, as well as a written Portfolio of Evidence, which is to be submitted at the end of the course or shortly thereafter.  This course is presented on a level equivalent to NQF 5.

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Dialogue Training 2022Please take note:  © Copyright. All rights reserved. Reproducing and distributing this material without the written permission of Social Justice and the Presenter is prohibited.  Register Here  for a login and password

Presenters:  Theuns Stofberg, Laurie Greyvenstein, Dereck Beukes, Christo Naude

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Voice of the child:  Assessment - what is the important aspects

The new NABFAM Rule have been implemented on 1 March 2023. All members who have not renewed their accreditation by 28 February 2023 must first complete the reaccreditation course before their accreditation will be renewed. Doing this course is NOT a punishment but a valuable opportunity to get up to speed with the latest developments in divorce and family mediation.   You will receive a manual compiled by Prof Leentjie de Jong.

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Renew your accreditation as family mediator with this refresher course

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Presenters - Dr Lynette Roux

  • Different forms of abuse
  • The cycle of violence
  • Measures to en sure the safety of clients
  • How to apply for an interim protection order
  • Remedies available
  • The difference between interim and final orders
  • What happens on the return date

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Presenters - Laurie Greyvenstein

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Presenters - Laurie Greyvenstein

Course Content:
  • Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • African Charter on the Rights & Welfare of the Child
  • SA Constitution
  • The Children’s Act
  • Parenting Plans in terms of the Children’s Act
  • The Difference between Parenting Plans & Parental Responsibility & Rights Agreements
  • Contractual requirements of Parenting Plans
  • Prescribed Format of Parenting Plans
  • Drafting of Parenting Plans
  • Examples of Parenting Plans and Parental Responsibility & Rights Agreements


Best assist parents to come to an agreement/ parenting plan where money is involved?

Are you aware of the fact that maintenance should be settled as part of parenting plans?

Do you know the duty of support principles in terms of our law and how to apply them?

How to calculate the correct amount of maintenance?

How much each parent should pay?

How to divide household costs between persons living in one household? 

How to formalise the agreement between the parties?

How to enforce a maintenance order?

Best assist parents to come to an agreement/ parenting plan where money is involved?

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Presenters - Laurie Greyvenstein

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Presenters - Dr Lynette Roux

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Presenters:  Theuns Stofberg, Laurie Greyvenstein, Dereck Beukes, Christo Naude

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Presenters - Laurie Greyvenstein


  • Best assist parents to come to an agreement/ parenting plan where money is involved?
  • Are you aware of the fact that maintenance should be settled as part of parenting plans?
  • Do you know the duty of support principles in terms of our law and how to apply them?
  • How to calculate the correct amount of maintenance?
  • How much each parent should pay?
  • How to divide household costs between persons living in one household? 
  • How to formalise the agreement between the parties?
  • How to enforce a maintenance order?
  • Best assist parents to come to an agreement/ parenting plan where money is involved?

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Presenters - Laurie Greyvenstein

  • Different forms of abuse
  • The cycle of violence
  • Measures to en sure the safety of clients
  • How to apply for an interim protection order
  • Remedies available
  • The difference between interim and final orders
  • What happens on the return date

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Presenters - Laurie Greyvenstein